Kotlin vs Java

September 15, 2021

Kotlin vs Java

Are you debating whether to use Kotlin or Java for your next software development project? Kotlin is a relatively new language that is quickly gaining popularity due to its many advantages over Java. However, Java is a well-established language that is still widely used in enterprise environments.

At Flare Compare, we want to help you make an informed decision. In this blog post, we will provide a factual comparison between Kotlin and Java, including numbers and references.


When it comes to performance, both Kotlin and Java are very similar. In fact, they both run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which means that they have similar performance characteristics. However, Kotlin has some features and syntax that make it more efficient and faster than Java in certain scenarios.

Kotlin's ability to use lambda expressions and inline functions can make it faster than Java in certain contexts. According to a benchmark performed by JetBrains, Kotlin function calls are faster than Java function calls when using inline functions.


One of the biggest advantages of Kotlin over Java is its syntax. Kotlin has a concise and expressive syntax that makes code more readable and maintainable. Additionally, Kotlin has several features that eliminate boilerplate code and reduce the likelihood of errors.

For example, Kotlin's null safety feature reduces the likelihood of NullPointerException errors. According to a study conducted by Google, Kotlin results in 20% fewer errors compared to Java.


Another advantage of Kotlin is its compatibility with Java. Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java, which means that you can use Kotlin alongside Java in the same project. This makes it easy for developers to migrate from Java to Kotlin or use Kotlin for new features in existing Java projects.

Learning Curve

While Kotlin has many advantages over Java, it does have a steeper learning curve. Developers who are already proficient in Java may need some time to adapt to Kotlin's syntax and features. However, once developers learn Kotlin, they will likely find that it is more productive and enjoyable to use than Java.


In conclusion, Kotlin has several advantages over Java, including a more concise and expressive syntax, better null safety, and faster function calls in certain scenarios. However, Java is still widely used in the enterprise and has a large developer community. Ultimately, the choice between Kotlin and Java will depend on the specific needs and circumstances of your project.


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